Aquarian Age 2020

Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru

The Creator and the Creation are One

This is our True Identity


The ecstasy of the experience of this wisdom is beyond all words and brings indescribable bliss.

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Mul Mantra - Root Mantra

Ek - One
Ong - manifested sound or the creative power

Kar - creating/creation
Sat-nam - Truth-name
Karta Purakh - Doer-person
Nirbhau, Nirvair - Not afraid, No enemies
Akaal Murat - Timeless, endless entity
The word "kaal" means both time and death, depending on the context.
Ajooni - Formless
Saibhang - Self-created
Gur Parsad - Obtained by the Grace of the Teacher

Satnam Kaur

Ek ONG KAR - One, the creator, the creation
SAT NAAM - the truth, the name/identification
KARTAH PURAH - the creator of all
NIRBHO - fearless
НIRAVER - without retaliation, without anger
AKAAL MOORAT -personified immortality
AJUNI - unborn
SEI BHANG - self-radiant
Gur PRASAD - gift Guru

AM SACH - truth in the beginning
JUGAD SACH - the truth of centuries
HEBHI SACH truth and now
NANAK HOSE BHEE SACH - Nanak says the truth will always be there




We are at a crucial change of the time—a change of an Age. The basic sensitivity of people to their own psyche and to each other is shifting. Now we must all experience and know our mind so we can choose to act in an elevated and effective way. Nothing less will be acceptable in this Age of Awareness.
The Mind, p. 27

Aquarian vs Piscean

This is the principal difference between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius; Aquarius quenches the thirst of everyone, while Pisces is symbolized by two fish biting at the tail of each other. Get out of the water, pick up your pot and quench the thirst of everyone.

The time has come for self-value. And the question is not “To be or not to be.” The statement is “To be, to be.” “I am, I AM.” The time has come not to search for God, but to be God. The time is not to worship God, but to trust and dwell in the working God.

The Aquarian Age is going to corner all Pisceans. It's natural. Winter has to freeze everything. Spring has to sprout everything. Summer has to ripen everything. And Fall has to let everything fall. So there's no reason to be upset with it. It's a natural phenomenon.

The religion of the Piscean age was I believe, I know. The religion of the Aquarian age is I know, therefore I believe. It’s a hundred eighty degree difference. That’s the difference of religion from now onwards. We call it a new age. Nobody will believe just because of philosophy or because of this or because of that. People will believe experience.

The message in the Piscean Age was, ‘Help me, I want to know.’ In the Age of Aquarius the message is, ‘I know, I can help you to be.’ The psyche has reversed, and life has to be changed accordingly.

Piscean knowledge won't work. Your gains won't work, your obnoxious or very fundamental excuses won't work. Because the Aquarian Age is the Age of Knowledge: “I know, I can deliver you.” The Piscean Age was, “I want to know, deliver me.”

Now we are entering an Aquarius Age, an age where you know, experience, and then only you will believe.

The old Piscean Age was dominated by machines and hierarchies. The new Aquarian Age is ruled by awareness, information and energy.
Shabd Guru: Basis, Use and Impact of the Quantum Technology of the Shabd Guru, April 1995

The consciousness of Ang Sang Wahe Guru came to us through experience. The consciousness of Cherdi Kala came to us through experience; it didn’t come to us through philosophy. It came to us through Sadhana. And that is the difference between the past, which is the age of Pisces, and now, which is the Age of Aquarius, and tomorrow, which is the Sat Age or the new age, or we call it cosmic consciousness.

No More Secrets & Lies

In the Aquarian Age there are no secrets. Now every persona is under audit. Each action can be tracked regardless of appearances. Every money exchange, statement, and behavior leaves a trail.
Shabd Guru: Basis, Use and Impact of the Quantum Technology of the Shabd Guru, April 1995

It may take a long time for the truth to come out but always victory will be with the truth. Patience pays.

As the Aquarian Age dawns, the old defenses and manipulations based on hiding or controlling access to information will no longer work. We need the capacity to assess our actions and their consequences before we take them, as if every action will be known and will reveal us. Only then can we realize that our word, fulfilled by actions, is our ultimate gift and power.
Shabd Guru: Basis, Use and Impact of the Quantum Technology of the Shabd Guru, April 1995

This is the Age of Aquarius. Knowledge shall be humongous. Everybody will know everything, so there shall be no corner to hide.

Any person who thinks he is great may be nothing, because the Information Age is so powerful and so knowable and so acknowledgeable and so understandable, that nothing can work. We will not be competent to cheat each other, but we can help and deal with each other as equal.

The Age of Truth

Truth will be recognized, falsehood will fall. That is the message of the Aquarian Age.

The sorrows and the drama of the sorrow and the lies you have lived cannot carry you anymore. The road has come to an end.
It is a new start, it is a new dawn, it is new era of God.

That is the era in which we are living—the Aquarian Age, the age of truth and love, the age of oneness—when man and God will become one. A new difference, a new ideology, a new life, absolutely something very new. A new wisdom will dawn on man. He will come out of all this unawareness.

God will not be recognized as a person, but God will be recognized as a primal truth and energy. The worship will change from a personified God to a more subtle truth, energy. It will not be a solar energy or a lunar energy; it will be the creative energy which is known as cosmos.

Those who are seeking the path of truth in the Aquarian age, who want to live in higher consciousness, can't afford to fool around for a little bit. People who are seeking the path of truth get bugged immediately. You do a little wrong, next minute you are in pain, something goes wrong. Why? A warning, it pushes you to the right path.

The new age is the age of truth and love; the age of tolerance and service; the age of humility and equality.

Now man will worship the truth. It is an era of Sat Nam, the identity; the truth. Prepare yourself to get all the light. Deep in you is the sea, the ocean of peace, and it projects love. A disturbed man can't love. Man who is an upset man can't love; he doesn't know how to love.

Your words should be so strong that they affect every heart; your truth should be so pure that it lifts a person's soul to the heights.

Men in the Aquarian Age shall be known by truth, not by possessions. And the spirit shall rule, not the intellect. And everyone who doubts it may note it under his own signatures today so that his coming generations may feel it that it was a truth.

There are three types of people: fanatic, liberal, and lazy. Lazy are lazy because they are lazy. Fanatics have got hang-ups. They do not reach anywhere because they are stuck. They don't know what to do next. So whatever little they have, they feel it is their kingdom; they don't want to be disturbed and they don't want to enter into anybody's life. The liberal, the new age—the age of truth, these people want to know who they are, what they are, and why they are.

Information Overload

Electronic technology will only bring us more information, more choices, more contacts, and more complexity. It will push us beyond all the old frontiers of identity—home, neighborhood, country, values, and the natural rhythms of nature. Our old touchstones for forming an identity will fail and we will have a pervasive identity crisis.
Shabd Guru: Basis, Use and Impact of the Quantum Technology of the Shabd Guru, April 1995

The Age of Aquarius is a mega-multiple manifestation. It is a lifestyle which has a vision of many channels of realities which a single human being will have to face. The capacity of the mind will reach its optimum in order to deal with everyday life. The world will become smaller and smaller and smaller. So man's vitality has to become larger and larger and larger.

Everybody will have access to all knowledge. With the push of a button you will be able to get any information you want. The whole world will be at your disposal.

A man shall have, on the press of the button, forty mega-trillion units of information. They can't handle that chaotic insanity. You shall be the hope. What do you think you are? People? Girls and boys? Women and men? Then learn to confront calamity, pain, and hazardness, and overcome them. Now!

Crossing the Crises of Change

I know as the Age of Aquarius will proceed, many families will face tragedies, things will go rough and wrong, I know. I am not unnecessarily warning you all—I am trying to explain to you very, very smartly a survival way to relate, to understand, to acknowledge the power of the shabad. Pain is in ego, and shabad is that permutation and combination of such words which totally kills the ego.

The cycles in the heavens are changing, Earth is correspondingly changing, and everything you see around you will not be recognizable.

Intuition will give us the intelligence and the consciousness to protect ourselves. We can do it in a second, but if we don’t develop it, then what? Are we going to die? No, in that case there shall be conflict; there shall be crisis.

Soon you might ask for a day of atonement and want to lie down in a coffin, so you can close your eyes. That’s how bad it can be in the years before the Aquarian Age begins. These years are the years of challenge. And what is the challenge? You must come to embrace the truth. You must come and experience the truth. You must come and be the truth.
6/21/01 or 12/20/97 Success and the Spirit

Our compensatory elements are drinking at night, eating urea (eating meat), and a high frequency diet. We are not that calm, quiet, and peaceful in our construction. This, plus all the psychic bombardment that is coming, will create a conflict.

The economy has changed. Geography has changed. The politics are changing. You'll find changes, unbelievable changes. There's no reason for you to worry about those changes. All they're inviting you to do is to change too.

The load of Karma, the ego of the man and the negativity has gone so deep that the positive vibrations have to be created to save the world. You can't live in this world without a balance and you have to keep balance. There is nobody who is special. Everything is created by the one Creator and you are a temporary custodian of that situation. This is the message of the Aquarian Age. Everyone has to learn to change.

The human race without grace shall not enter the Age of Aquarius. I am not sure that you will not experience tragedy after tragedy, because the psychosomatics of the earth’s axle, the magnetic field, and the flare of the sun into the creativity and reflection of the moon have already changed.
6/21/01 or 12/20/97 Success and the Spirit

Why is this happening? First we were in the computer age, then the information age, and now we are entering into the sensory age. This technological change is causing every human to operate from his sensory system, unknowingly. That is the tragedy of it. So what we need now is to have a meditative mind so we can enter into the sensory human system without conflict with the planetary power.

You have to sit in the examination of sacrifice to cross through the channel of time. But do it peacefully. The children of truth do not hassle and they do not waste their energy. They make themselves light, bright, beautiful, presentable, clean, charming, and magnetic.

As we enter the Aquarian Age, previously unknown challenges such as viral epidemics and psychological and spiritual ailments beset us, with more on the way.
Shabd Guru: Basis, Use and Impact of the Quantum Technology of the Shabd Guru, April 1995

Emptiness & Insanity

In another 11 years we will find people getting empty, more perturbed, not able to bear enough, not having much tolerance, and very argumentative. It is not the fault of people. It is the result of the power with which the psyche flows on the planet. People will have to pick up the tabs, and to match up they will have to be calm, quiet, and peaceful.

Sooner or later the world you are going to face is going to be very empty and very hard with extremely neurotic minds. That is your future in which you have to serve, inspire, love and help. It’s up to you to decide.

The Age of Aquarius is coming our way. Emptiness, insanity and pain shall be everybody’s affair. People will like to hit walls to find out where they can go. They shall come to you. As insane as they are, if you do not take away their pain, and instead you sit in judgement, you are wrong people. That’s why we wanted to teach you how to remain disciplined in the most undisciplined world.

Our creativity will be our sensory system. And through this sensory system we will be overflowing with energy, touching the hearts of people and feeling their feeling, and filling their emptiness. We will act gratefully and our flow will fulfill the gratefulness in the hearts of others. It will be a new relationship. We will create a new humanity that will have the new sensory system, and thus we will establish the Age of Aquarius. This is the fundamental character you have to learn by heart.

Individuality shall not have any role to play in the Age of Aquarius. The miserable water carrier, the sign of the zodiac of the age will be the plight of those who will try to remain and live individually sealed off in their own cocoons.

The man of light shall walk out and shall live in a group consciously, respecting, loving, with individuality as his basis, as his foundation, but vibrating in uniformity of soul, body, and spirit.

In the Age of Aquarius, the emptiness in people shall fall from the heavenly dislocation of their environment and energy. The magnetic field of the Earth will change fast. Simply be bright, be beautiful, be bountiful and be blissful. That's the only service you can do.

Relationships, Beauty, & Sexuality

In the Piscean Age the main need was for knowledge, for creative legacy. That's why in the Piscean Age sex was taboo: it was monitored, matured, glorified. Sex and sensuality were considered the primary attractions. Beauty was physical, and people pursued each other. Sexual intercourse was the orientation of relationship, and it reached the point of obnoxious duality.

This is the age where the beauty is not going to be considered in terms of who is wearing a bikini and walking naked on the streets. Beauty is going to be considered in terms of who can contain oneself with that personality and radiance that attracts others.

The Piscean Age was the ugliest age. It was an era in which the female was rooted out from her roots, and exploited to the brink and to the brim by men.

The obsession with sex will have no place. One will not look for satisfaction through physical intercourse. It will be automatic that one will find satisfaction through the self-sensory system, which people will develop in the coming 50 years.

What is this personal sensory system? There will be no need for cosmetic makeup. People will be open, straight, simple, and their beauty will be internal, not external. Men and women are going to reach out with such dignity, such devotion, such an elevated loftiness of self, and the beauty of the human character will be so bewitching, that not only will the ones who are willing be enjoying and realizing, but also their realization will be so profound that no destructive temptation by another person will work.

The time is changing; people are looking toward fulfillment of the self through purity and piety, individuality, and reality. They don't want to practice duality anymore. Sex will not be the attraction. A sensory system will develop; a new system in which the individual will find himself or herself complete.

The Age of Aquarius will be the Age of experience, in which people of experience will be liked, respected, worshipped, talked to, and understood. It's not a matter of how old you are or how young you are or how white you are or how black you are.

Uplift & Serve

We are all pioneers in the Age of Aquarius. No man can give a man anything other than love. No man can give a man anything other than hope. No man can give a man anything but service. The only thing you can do is act like a forklift and go into the dirt and lift the other person and put him on track, so he can proceed.

In the Age of Aquarius we must use these tools so we will not become fools. We have to go into the Age of Aquarius with a brightened mind, a balanced self and an excellent spirit. You have to grow in maturity as you grow in age so you cannot only be self-sufficient, but you can be self-sufficient to uplift people. Be self-sufficient, self-efficient and self-exalted. Share that self-exaltedness with others.

Keep your sadhana regardless of how you feel about it. Do not feel somebody is better or worse than you. If you continue your sadhana, the end result will be that you will be needed by the Age of Aquarius. Try to understand how lucky you are. We are going through a change of age and we are participating in it. You are changing to challenge the ultimate challenge - to help humanity through it.

Let us serve the Age of Aquarius. Get rid of any fear you have. Get ready for service. Carry on. Be the flag bearer.

People do not like another person who is shaky; who is negative; who fluctuates. There are set rules of life and the only rule which works in this world and spirituality in business and life is, every person individually will like to see somebody who is stable; who is effective; who is real; who is reachable; who can come back and uplift them and the entire world of ours.

You are for tomorrow. You are for that tomorrow, when the world shall come to you. People will come and ask to be blessed. Bless those who are coming to you; each one of you. Guru's words never go untrue.

There is only one problem: You do not trust your powers. There is no difference between you and God. Count your blessings. Be proud of yourself. Make your children, friends and neighbors proud of you. Let your touch be the Master’s Touch. Serve the Age of Aquarius. Keep up and God will keep you up. Trust it. Stop looking down at yourself. Feel God within. There is no God outside of you.

Connection & Oneness

The Age of Aquarius is about taking care of others.
6/21/01 or 12/20/97 Success and the Spirit

In the Age of Aquarius, the dharma of a person shall be to reach out. Reach out to help. Reach out to share smiles. Reach out to hear each other. Reach out to every person without judgement.

A few years ago we said "Hail Guru Ram Das and heal the world." It looked like a joke at that time. Heal with what? Now the Age has come when your own psyche can be in flow and beam on the other personality, and in the cross-exchange you can heal a person just by walking by his side. For this we have to have a mental clarity, and we have to have a mental projection.

In the Sensory Age there will not be any insecurity—you will understand security. When you bring security to another person and the other person brings security to you, you will mutually become one unit. If you understand that we are all human beings, you will immediately come to a sensory, emotional understanding, and life will be happy.

Each of you here is each different. In this different world, all of you are one.
That's what you have come to learn.

©The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan

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