Contemplaiting Transformation

Contemplating Transformation 1994-2020




My master Osho, the friend, said that the seeds contain the flowers, so don't condemn the seeds. The mud contains the lotus. Day contains night. The higher contains the lower. 


1. When your Guru tells you, that it is very rare to come to the full cycle in one lifetime believe her/him. There are different stages of samadhi, until one will not take rebirth anymore. Goals are unimportant. Important is only our awareness of this moment.


2. Never fight with the devil, unless you are really strong, in many ways, otherwise this can cost you your life. Devils or demons will destroy themselfes at the end, because their force is destructive. Evil always destroys itself at the end.


3. The reality, in its depth, is not devided in gods and devils nor devas and demons. They are only part of the dualistic human perception and not real. The lokahs belong to the material realm of exsistence and not the divine reality, which exists beyond all phenomena. Or we could also say at the deepest core of all phenomena. Only the purest human beings can enter the TAO. 

Divinity can be experienced in the phenomenal world only up to a certain degree of absorption. If the absorption is complete the phenomenal world vanishes. 


4. Energy flows where attention goes. Give your attention to what you whish for. This is the right way to create or establish something. Do it in your mind and dreams first. This is the only way to create, without hurting anybody, including ourself.


5. Hurt people are the ones that hurt others. There are 3 ways to handle them. It depends on our capacity what is right to do. We can ignore them, have compassion with them or help them.


6. Past life regression has been one of the most powerful and helpful methods to solve problems in my life. This method solves problems with our awareness. Nothing else is needed. Only our awareness and the guidance.


7. Awareness, simple witnessing, is the light in the dark. It is the key to all transformation. It is the healing force. It implies equanimity and neutrality.

8. Acceptance of the unchangable is an absolute must. Otherwise we cannot truly live anymore. It is inevitable to accept, that people who want to kill each other will kill each other.


9. It is not our buisiness what other people do. If we want that to be our buisiness, we have to become a politician. No matter how small your light is, let it be. That is the way you make the world a better place.


10. Don´t care what others say about you. What others say about you has basically to do with them and not with you. Never take people´s ego personal. It does not even exist. If they take it serious, you don´t have to.


11. The fastest way to come out of serious illnesses, no matter of what quality, is to live near an enlightened master. The holy energy of an enlightened master will heal you too, as fast as possible.


12. Who believes his/her spiritual path is the only true path has not truly understood the vastness of divinity yet. Divinity is the source, the base of existence. All comes into existence from this source.


13. There are many people out there who claim to be a master or a Guru. Be careful whom you trust. It is best to trust only your own intuition. If your intuition tells you go, then go, if not, then don´t go.


14. The right food and an ethical lifestyle is most important for our health. Someone told me yesterday: How can you expect that you get a smile, when you scream at the mirror.


15. In the I GING the number 15 stands for humbleness. Humbleness leads to peace and equanimity. Why people take themselves so serious?


16. My mirror told me yesterday that I AM the creator. That is the truth - weather I remember and believe it or not.


17. I AM the Self. Deathless, immortal, eternal, undestructable, timeless. enlightened, the essence, the source. This is our true nature. This is our true Self. Divinity is the essence of all of us. If we are aware of it or not.


18. Our mind is an intelligent and excellent tool for divine service. The right use of the mind is to use it for helping humanity. Everything else is misuse.


19. Transformation starts with total acceptance. Acceptance is the key. Without complete acceptance of what has been and what is here and now transformation cannot take place.


20. If we change or manipulate existence, the way things are, we truly have to be very carefully. We are really playing with life and death, if we are aware of it or not. This is why Sadhguru is strictly against energy healing for example. He says as long as we are not completely established in the truth, we don´t really know what we are doing. We can´t have an overview over the effects we cause. Maybe we take away a sickness from someone, but because this sickness was needed the one will then now have a car accident. And we always have to take responsibility for our actions. That is karma. My beloved master Osho said leave this world a bit more beautiful then you found it, if you can. That sounds more simple and not so dangerous.


21. If you truly want to learn manifesting my booktip is ´The Dynamic Laws of Wealth´ from Catherine Ponder. In 1998 I manifested a whole new life. One has to follow the instructions of the book step by step and see the so called miracles appearing. I already knew that my dreams have the power to become true, but this never happened on a conscious level. I recognised it, but did not truly understand, that I was the creator of this dream reality. It was more like ´I thank the Lord, that my dream came true´. That changed with Catherine Ponder. I remember that when my last manifestation came true I was so shocked, that I ran away from it, as fast as I could - even I already knew that this what westerners call the reality is only leela, maya, the divine play.


22. Listen to what people tell you and their advices, but when it comes to life decisions only follow your own choices, your own instinct and intuition. Otherwise the mistakes people can make, even with the best intentions, can cost you years of your life, years of regret, years of repentance and contrition.


23. We keep on saying LOVE & LIGHT because love is light and light is love. What we call divine love is conscious awareness of divinity. It is godlyness, beyond duality and mind, that is our essence, at our core. It is the spacelike light being, the enlightened reality, the Self. There are so many names given to it by the Saints all over the world. Yoga is to become aware of it.


24. There is a total balance, an equal quantity of good and bad in this dualistic world, we percieve from our limited senses. Remember we have two eyes. It sometimes appears there is more war then peace or vice versa. The truth is that all is in a total balance.

What is our journey through this 3D chaos of order is going beyond this limited perception. So this cry for truth is inborn and is the one that will guide us further. Where does it guide you? What is your intuition telling you? Trust it.


25. People come to the yoga class and ask: How can we open our hearts? How can we open our third eye? Well there are so many techniques and they are working. There is nothing bad in working ways.

It is very obvious why Hatha Yoga claims Brahmacharya for yogis, who live in an ashram. All the techniques are there to awaken kundalini to rise up the spine and enlighten the brain, what we call enlightenment. They can eventually work a lot faster, if we follow the rules.


26. At the same time it is true that the dream/desire/vision/mission, that is so denied in the yogic culture, is the root of evolving. It is so true what Osho said, don´t kill the seeds, the seeds contain the flowers. There will be no flowers without seeds. We have to embrace existence, as we percieve it, with all the pain and all the beauty and that is all. Acceptance is an absolute must. Acceptance is the key to transformation.


27. Divinity is always there and absorbs us all, according to our ability of being absorbed. To my view, it is all gods grace. Utter purity, deepest pain and simply letting go will bring all of us back home, to where we truly belong. Our luck is, that we are already that.




Way of the Heart 


There is a pull, a push, a voice that it is telling me: Come follow me, I will not stop, until you too can see!


The only illusion I have to completely abandon and eliminate is the illusion of separation and the fear of death.


Life is eternal.


Death does not exist.


I don't take the imaginary images for real.


I remember my true nature.


My true nature is unbound, unlimited, eternal, extasy, full of bliss, 


I AM a light being, the spacelike being, the void, divinity, the emptiness, the fullness,







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