Materialism Is A Lie


A deeper truth is that there are no things.

The idea of materialism is only a concept, which is a lie. Everything is energy, appearing only in our conditioned perception as matter.

Important is what do I empower with my perception and attention from this unlimitted field of possibilities? 


Do I use my power and awareness in a positive and conscious way to empower love, peace and bliss in my life? It is often said and true, that energy flows where attention goes. What do I want to create? What do I empower with my attention?


The field of thoughts is always there. The question is how do I handle my thoughts. Can I observe my thoughts. Can I watch them coming and going. Can I decide what I want to think and how long I do want to think about it? I once learned from Satyananda Yoga how to pick up thoughts and send them away. How easy it is to forget.


I trained my spirit to become a witness many years. Sometimes in deep meditation the witness disappeared. These are the moments that are the real blessing of our spiritual path. 


There is bliss, when only no-thingness is. They call it emptyness, I prefer to say the void. Divinity is alive, a living oneness, our source, the maximum of love, an eternity, the blissfullness. We can only experience it, when we are not.




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