For one hour just be attentive to your breathing process alone.
Sit in a yoga posture or comfortably with a straight back. Close your eyes and relax your whole body, from crown to toes.
Take a deep breath and relax. Breathe in slowly. Breath out and let go, release the last tensions in your body. Repeat a few times.
Start feeling the breath; observe the inhalation and exhalation as they effortlessly flow. Get in a state of acceptance. Let go of judging or analysing. Become a watcher, watch your breath.
Do nothing else but be attentive to your breathing. By and by you will be able to change your attention into awareness. Be a watcher. It will take you deep into your being.
Place your attention even deeper inwards, into your being. Allow a space of total acceptance to open up. Stay in the present moment while you let everything go.

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