Shift - Don't Stop

🔔 Never put yourself in a position, where you cannot be your authentic self. If others have put you in such a position, break free as fast as you can. 🔔

Unconditional love all day long

By Laurie Grimmond


You have a pure heart. 

You wore it on your sleeve. 

Always had good intentions. 

You chose to see the good in others 

even when they were evil. 

But you knew deep down that there is something good in each of us 

because we are all born of the Creator. 

You chose to see their "person" 

even if they couldn't see yours. 

It's almost as if your pure, loving light 

blinded them, 

making them very uncomfortable 

because it shone on their darkness. 

But that is who you are at your core. 

Honesty, communication, genuineness, pure love, that's what you do. 

You never give up. 

Do we have to sacrifice that? 



Communicate as effectively as you can without losing sight of who you are. 

Treating others badly 

because they treated you badly 

is not the way to go. 

No one can grow in this situation. 

An eye for an eye. 

This is not the kind of world 

we want to live in. 

We are here to flip the script. 

Stand up for yourself. 

If you always have good intentions 

behind the words you speak 

but feel frustrated, hurt, empty and unfulfilled because you are not being heard, 

at least you have told the truth. 


You have spoken the facts. 

You know what you know 

because God has shown it to you. 

He has taken you by the hand 

and lifted the veil, 

showing you the uncomfortable truths

 in the world and in all your relationships. 

He has given you a glimpse 

of what you have survived. 

You now have a chance

 to make a difference. 

To help others.      

You are chosen to do His work. 

God's work always comes from a place 

of LOVE and TRUTH, 

regardless of the circumstances. 

Even when it's hard. 

You will always win because 

"The truth is the truth is the truth" and 

the truth will ALWAYS set you free 


It is a new kind of freedom 

that we are not yet familiar with. 

Inner freedom. 

Inner sovereignty. 

Inner peace. 

We are all still learning. 

I believe this is how we will earn our wings. 

This is how we will change the world,

 one relationship at a time. 

By being courageous. 

By doing the things that are hard. 

By having the difficult conversations 

that literally change the vibrations

 in which we walk and in which we talk. 

Even when we're scared. 

Even when we don't know 

what the consequences will be. 

Truth/love is the highest vibration there is. 

Speak it. Stand firm. 

Know that you are protected and guided.

Know that God/the universe/your angels/divine team have your back. 

You are protected.

Find your voice. 

You are so loved.

You are so needed. 

Authenticity is the key. 

Shine on



You are stronger than you know.

Unconditional love, all day long. 


Written by Laurie 


Peoria, AZ

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