Vishnu Purana & Ways to Go

Acording to the Vishnu Purana there are numerus hellish dimensions. Usually the earth realm is told to be in the middle of seven higher, celestical and seven lower, hellish dimensions, realms or we can say also states of consciousness. 

Interesting! Yogic science tells us, that the soul can leave the body through different body parts, tells us Sri Ravi Shankar, in the first video below. He also explains the difference between soul, atman and divinity, brahman.

According to yogic wisdom the part through which a soul leaves the body indicates, where the soul will go to, after it left the body.

I think I remember I also heard, that the soul can leave through the navel as well, but I am not sure, because that was long ago. 

Toes or anus - lower realms

Left or right nostril - earth

Eyes or ajna chakra -  higher realms 

Crown - merging with the source

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